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The following organizations were awarded grants from the CPPS Heritage Mission Fund in Cycle One of 2024. We wish them every success in the accomplishment of their goals in serving God’s people. Click on the organization names to visit their websites.
Archdiocese of Chicago Domestic Violence Outreach
Project: Domestic Violence Outreach
Organization Mission: Domestic Violence Outreach (ACDVO) is a program of the Archdiocese of Chicago whose mission is to raise awareness about domestic violence, connect victims and their children to services and promote prevention.
Asociacion para el Desarrollo de la Familia Guatemalteca PROMAB
Project: Proyecto de Salud Mental Maria Anna Bunner
Organization Mission: The purpose of our association is to study, analyze, propose and implement programs and projects aimed at solving human problems with respect to the person and the family. Our goal is the integral protection of the human being and of the family. We promote academic development, family counseling and psychological support that allows the integral development of the person and the family. For this purpose, we sponsor, direct and administer all types of studies and projects of any kind, Academic development, family counseling. We support persons and activities that help achieve this end, as well as any other purpose or objective that is compatible or complementary with the search for human fulfillment and protection of the family.
Project: Holistic Skill-Development for Underserved Women in Charlotte
Organization Mission: BraveWorks provides a trauma-informed artisanal training program that supports the re-entry of underserved women in Charlotte, NC through social-emotional support and pathways to economic mobility. We provide the women, called artisans, with skills training and meaningful work creating jewelry and goods sold in our BraveWorks shop. Our Dilworth programming focuses on women overcoming trafficking, domestic violence, addiction, incarceration, and poverty, while our East Charlotte programming focuses on immigrant and refugee populations.
Brigid’s Path
Project: Paths to Thrive
Organization Mission: The mission of Brigid’s Path is to improve the health of newborn babies and mothers impacted by addiction. We offer grace for the past, support for the present, and hope for the future.
Care Center of Loveland
Project: Provisions Program 2024
Organization Mission: The Care Center empowers families living in Greater Cincinnati, Ohio to break the cycle of poverty by removing barriers and building resources to reach self-sufficiency and thrive in life. In order for individuals to develop self-sufficiency in one area of wellness, they need wraparound support that sustains their additional holistic needs. Because this is true, the Care Center utilizes a multi-service model that provides multiple physical, emotional, relational, and career/educational services to each guest at one convenient location.
CASA Mississippi
Project: Support for the Development of New Community-Based CASA Programs
Organization Mission: CASA Mississippi advocates for the best interests of abused and neglected children through the development of court-approved, community-based CASA programs which provide trained & supervised volunteers. CASA volunteers fill a vital need in Mississippi because state caseworkers are unable to consistently serve these children as proven in the 2004 Olivia Y court case, which alleged that Mississippi’s foster care system was failing to protect children in its custody. The federal injunction imposed because of this case remains in effect as conditions have not improved. Recruiting, training & supporting local community volunteers is an effective way to increase the levels and types of support that Mississippi’s most vulnerable children need.
Catholic Bishop of Chicago
Project: Kolbe House Jail Ministry
Organization Mission: The Archdiocese of Chicago nourishes the lives of more than 2.1 million Catholics. Its mission is to form Catholics to be people of faith and promoters of the common good. Kolbe House Jail Ministry is one of many direct support programs housed within the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Office of Human Dignity and Solidarity. Kolbe provides clothing, transportation assistance, and support referrals to persons recently released from prison. Its purpose is to help stabilize them during reentry and reduce recidivism. Kolbe also provides spiritual assistance, accompaniment, and programming to persons in jail. Kolbe serves about 2200 persons per year.
Catholic Charities of Shiawassee and Genesee Counties
Project: Sacred Heart Veteran Village
Organization Mission: The mission of Catholic Charities of Shiawassee and Genesee Counties is the work of the Catholic Church, to share the love of Christ by performing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Our core values identify what Catholic Charities, as an organization, stands for and guide how we conduct ourselves as we work in support of our mission to serve all people, regardless of faith. These beliefs guide our day-to-day behaviors and interactions with all those we serve while reminding us of our purpose to Provide Help and Create Hope. At our core, we believe in compassion, education, family preservation, hope, human dignity, integrity, love, and respect.
Catholic Charities San Bernardino and Riverside Counties
Project: Homeless Outreach Activities
Organization Mission: Catholic Charities’ mission is to fight poverty and its consequences with crisis intervention services and strengthening families, resulting in new opportunities and changed futures.
Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio
Project: Immigration Legal Services (ILS)
Organization Mission: Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio (CCSWO) serves and empowers people through God’s love in their times of vulnerability. We do so through a full range of local services that engage the community in building solidarity. CCSWO is the only Refugee Resettlement (RRS) agency in Cincinnati under contract with the U.S. State Dept. and U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and have received over 12,000 refugees in the 40 years since the Vietnam War. The majority of our clients are under-served and are very-low income. Over 20 programs impact 11 counties.
Catholic Charities-Diocese of Toledo, Inc.
Project: Dining and Prep Tables for HHSL’s Soup Kitchen
Organization Mission: Catholic Charities is a non-profit organization that strives to serve individuals and families in need, regardless of religion or ethnicity. The organization helps to address their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. In doing so, Catholic Charities aims to assist those neglected or forgotten while promoting and respecting life from conception to natural death.
Catholic Mobilizing Network
Project: Restorative Justice Capacity Building
Organization Mission: Catholic Mobilizing Network (CMN) is the national Catholic organization working to abolish the death penalty and promote restorative justice (RJ). CMN mobilizes Catholics and all people of goodwill to value life over death, end the use of the death penalty, transform the U.S. criminal justice system from punitive to restorative, and build capacity in the U.S. to engage in restorative practices. Through education, advocacy, and prayer, and based on the Gospel value that every human is created in the image and likeness of God, CMN expresses the fundamental belief that all who have caused or been impacted by crime should be treated with dignity.
Christian Help, Inc. of Mingo County
Project: Food Outreach Program
Organization Mission: Founded in 1996, Christian Help is a 501c3 nonprofit in Mingo County, WV. Our mission is to respond to situations of emergency and need with immediacy and simplicity, respecting the dignity of all persons. As the only social services agency in the county, we provide the most vulnerable members of our community–primarily children& the elderly–the basic necessities of life.
Dalit Solidarity
Project: Empowering Irular Tribe Women with Tailoring Machines
Organization Mission: Dalit Solidarity is a USA based 501(c)(3) organization focused on caring for the least of God’s people, Dalits, a marginalized and segregated Indian population that has been oppressed for centuries. Because of the cruel legacy of the Indian Caste system, Dalit communities have experienced emotional and physical poverty for over five thousand years. For the past twenty-four years, Dalit Solidarity has worked steadily, primarily in the Tamil Nadu state, to provide India’s Dalits with the tools they need to improve their lives and their families’ lives. Dalit Solidarity seeks to alleviate the plight of these communities by providing care in the form of medical aid, housing, food, primary and secondary schools, and vocational education.
Dear Neighbor Ministries, Inc.
Project: Helping Families in Poverty
Organization Mission: Motivated by the God-given dignity of each person, Dear Neighbor Ministries meets the basic needs of those in crisis through food, rent, and utility assistance. Case management is provided for those working to overcome poverty, enabling them to become more independent and self-sufficient.
Design Outreach
Project: Water for Malawi
Organization Mission: The mission of Design Outreach is to alleviate global poverty through life-sustaining technology.
Dominican Sisters of Peace
Project: Jamaica Outreach Collaborative
Organization Mission: To provide meaningful activities for youth who are poor in Kingston, Jamaica: Leadership development, life skills, workshops, conflict resolution, mentoring, summer programs, youth center activities, community outreach. We seek to care for some of the most vulnerable people in our hemisphere by addressing their many needs holistically through a variety of programs offered year-long. This holistic approach is critical to making meaningful change in the lives of the poor.
El Porvenir
Project: Dignified Sanitation in Rural Nicaragua
Organization Mission: To implement sustainable clean water solutions. Since 1990, we have grown our comprehensive initiatives to empower over 275,000 rural Nicaraguans to improve their quality of life through long-term, sustainable water and sanitation infrastructure, health & hygiene education, and watershed restoration initiatives.
El Puente Educational Center
Project: Family Stabilization Program II
Organization Mission: The name of our organization, El Puente (the Bridge), embodies our mission. We serve as a bridge and connection point to Latino students and families to academic success, well-being, and increased integration in the Dayton community.
Elizabeth’s New Life Center, Inc.
Project: Precious Beginnings
Organization Mission: The mission of Elizabeth’s New Life Center (ENLC) is to “empower individuals and families to make Godly life choices.” We provide services for women and men facing unexpected pregnancy situations in order to accomplish our purpose of promoting life-giving decisions, healthy relationships, and loving families. Services at our Women’s Centers include pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, educational opportunities, material assistance, and more. We also operate Holy Family Prenatal Care, a prenatal clinic that exclusively serves Medicaid-eligible women. Finally, we provide in-school sexual risk-avoidance education as well as adult relationship/marriage classes and couples counseling. By the grace of God, we humbly labor in the culture of life.
Faithful Love, Inc.
Project: Faithful Love Bridge to Hope Independent Living Program
Organization Mission: To bring healing and restoration to adult women who are victims or at risk of being sex trafficked, prostituted, or exploited in Southeast Georgia.
Family Reading Partners, Inc.
Project: Championing Early Literacy in the Home
Organization Mission: The mission of Family Reading Partners, a parent education program, is to increase early early literacy by empowering parents to read and have conversations around books regularly with their children, starting at birth, so that each child masters pre-reading skills prior to kindergarten, in spite of living in poverty. Reading and book conversations expand language, vocabulary, and ultimately the child’s world; increase development in the areas of the brain associated with learning to read and higher thinking processes; foster “early relational health” between the adult caregiver and child; should begin at birth; improves the trajectory of a child’s school success; and should be in the family’s native tongue.
Fe e Alegria do Brasil
Project: Food Assistance to Migrants, Refugees, and Vulnerable Communities in the Brazilian Amazon
Organization Mission: The International Federation of Fe y Alegría is a nonprofit based in Colombia, with federation members in 22 countries including Brazil. Its mission is to promote from, with, and for the communities in which it works comprehensive and inclusive educational processes promoting and defending the universality of the right to quality education as a public good. Fe y Alegría is committed to the transformation of people and the promotion of global citizenship for the construction of democratic social systems. Fe e Alegria Brasil’s mission is to promote integral educational processes from the communities in which it works in a collaborative way, committing to transforming people to develop fair and democratic social systems.
Federation of Neighborhood Centers, Inc
Project: Double Trellis Food Initiative
Organization Mission: Double Trellis Food Initiative’s (DTFI) mission is to combat food insecurity by creating fresh, healthy, and sustainable meals and providing these free of cost via partnership with intersectional anti-poverty organizations on the front lines of the fight against hunger affecting our cities. DTFI serves as an immediate stopgap for the most food-insecure individuals in marginalized communities of Philadelphia.
Findlay Hope House for the Homeless, Inc.
Project: Family Stabilization for Homeless Women and Children and Households Facing Homelessness
Organization Mission: Since its founding in 1990 by Sr. Karen Elliot, CPPS, HH has provided housing solutions, support & education to meet the needs of individuals & families facing homelessness in our community. We fulfill this mission by reducing the barriers inhibiting stable, independent living through programs focused on skill building & empowering clients to take charge of their lives.
Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph – Arusha Region
Project: Construction of dormitory for girls at St. Clare of Assisi Primary School
Organization Mission: The mission of the Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph is to promote the dignity of all the people of God, particularly women, children and the most vulnerable persons, through prayer and our apostolates. Our apostolates include pastoral activities, care for the mentally and physically challenged, especially children. We also teach in schools and serve as nurses in hospitals and health centers, and care for orphans. In providing education, our purpose is the realization of sustainable development in which children, teachers and the community at large are involved in positive activities that will ensure positive socioeconomic welfare in the entire community and to ensure children a proper learning environment with habitable accommodations.
Giving the Basics, Inc.
Project: Pantry Program
Organization Mission: Giving the Basics provides the necessities of life, not covered by government assistance programs, that most people take for granted such as dental hygiene items, soap, deodorant, toilet paper and other personal care hygiene products.
HomeMore Project, Inc.
Project: Makeshift Traveler backpack for the Homeless in Los Angeles
Organization Mission: Our Mission is to uplift the homeless community in California by building a culture of genuine relationships while focusing on the centralization of resources and providing realistic yet innovative solutions to an ongoing crisis.
Integrated Behavioral Technologies, Inc.
Project: Establishment of IBT Autism Intervention Clinic in Central Kansas
Organization Mission: Founded in 2002, IBT is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization, serving children on the autism spectrum. Our mission is to make the evidence-based behavioral intervention, Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), available to families across the state of Kansas regardless of income or geography. We accomplish this through a network of certified providers, in-home and clinical services, assessment services, telemedicine and strategic partnerships.
Joseph’s House for Women, Inc.
Project: Renovation to Grow and Heal with Joseph’s House for Women
Organization Mission: Joseph’s House for Women, Inc. (JH) promotes the sanctity of life and the dignity of women by providing a nurturing home for pregnant and parenting women facing a crisis pregnancy and homelessness. The physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of mothers and their children are impacted through a comprehensive faith based process devoted to stabilization, restoration, transformation, and consecration through the support of dedicated staff. Founded and rooted in the Catholic tradition, JH provides residents the educational, occupational, and spiritual resources needed to achieve their God-given potential.
Light House Rehabilitation Center dba Lighthouse Vocational Services
Project: Employment Services Program
Organization Mission: Founded in 1975 upon Christ-centered values and principles, the mission of Lighthouse Vocational Services (Lighthouse) is to provide vocational services, educational enrichment, and community integration experiences for persons with developmental disabilities to promote personal growth, opportunity, and hope for their future. The driving force of the organization is the belief that God created each individual with value and a purpose for life.
Living Waters International, Inc.
Project: Futures Empowered: Innovating English Medium Education for Masai Girls; Construction of convent at St Francis of Assisi Parish English Medium Primary School
Organization Mission: The mission of Living Waters International is the support of Roman Catholic missionary and international development projects in Africa. The organization attempts to address basic human and spiritual needs of the people of Africa. To do this, the organization assists Roman Catholic missionary congregations and diocesan priests and nuns in the procurement of funds.
Livingston County Catholic Charities
Project: Livingston County Catholic Charities Behavioral Health Counseling Programming
Organization Mission: The Mission of Livingston County Catholic Charities is the work of the Catholic Church, to share the love of Christ by performing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.
Mary’s Pence
Project: ESPERA
Organization Mission: Mary’s Pence invests in women across the Americas by funding community initiatives and fostering collaborations to create social change.
Mercy Manor, Inc.
Project: Empowering Women by Proving Hope
Organization Mission: The mission of Mercy Manor is to provide a safe, spiritual residence for women with histories of homelessness, abuse, mental health, incarceration, alcohol, and drug addiction, while they re-establish themselves into the local community. The goal is to break the cycle of recidivism and homelessness due to addiction and abuse.
Mission of Mary Cooperative
Project: Local Just Food System
Organization Mission: Mission of Mary Cooperative (MMC) is an urban farm in the Twin Towers neighborhood in East Dayton. MMC strives to catalyze sustainable urban development. MMC does this by growing and providing access to over 35 tons of nutrient-dense fresh produce. MMC serves neighbors who lack economic and/or geographic access to fresh food. MMC also provides gardening and nutrition education for Pre-K-8 to college students, and neighborhood residents. MMC works on abandoned land restoration and providing opportunities for residents to garden at home or community garden sites. And, demonstrating sustainable living practices. MMC works with other neighborhood nonprofits to help families and individuals thrive and end the multi-generational cycle of poverty.
Partners In Hope, Inc
Project: Crisis Relief Services
Organization Mission: Through our faith as children of God, we build positive relationships and develop partnerships to make a positive impact on our community.
Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation
Project: Family Forward 2023-24
Organization Mission: Rooted in the spirituality of the Precious Blood, we restore human dignity through hospitality, hope, and healing.
Providence Network
Project: Joy House
Organization Mission: Providence Network is a Christian transformational housing organization in urban Denver whose mission is to heal broken lives “from the inside out.” Our comprehensive programs help men, women, and families overcome addictions, abuse, and homelessness to become self-sufficient, thriving members of the community. For 35 years, PN has been fueled by a singular vision: to develop communities of transformed individuals and families living out healthy lifestyles of reconciliation, economic stability, and spiritual wholeness. The ripple effect of this work replaces a generational cycle of poverty and abuse with positive physical and mental health, tools to succeed, and hope for the future.
RipplAffect, Inc
Project: Ripple of Hope: Transforming Lives Through Ghana’s Clean Water Vision
Organization Mission: To save the lives of children and to help families flourish through access to clean, safe drinking water and improved health.
Rise Against Hunger
Project: Elevating Women and Youth Farmers (EWYF) in Mali
Organization Mission: Rise Against Hunger is growing a global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives and responding to emergencies. From the implementation of sustainable community development projects to our meal packaging program that harnesses the passion of local volunteers, we strive to make an impact on hunger. We target remote, last-mile communities within hunger pockets designated “serious” or higher by the Global Hunger Index and work through local leaders to harness the strengths of their communities and tackle their own food and nutrition security challenges with agency, dignity and resilience.
Rise Up Industries
Project: Reentry Program Renovation Campaign
Organization Mission: Rise Up Industries (RUI) minimizes gang involvement by providing integrated gang prevention, gang intervention, and post-detention reentry services.
Sacred Heart House of Denver
Project: Continuum of Services
Organization Mission: Sacred Heart House of Denver provides a Continuum of Services for single mothers w/children & single women experiencing homelessness, enabling them to secure housing & become self- sufficient.
School Sisters of St. Francis
Project: Kharkutta Girls Hostel
Organization Mission: The School Sisters of St. Francis are an international community of Catholic sisters who unite with others to build a just and peaceful world. Their mission is to live the Good News of Jesus and witness to the presence of God as they enter into the lives and needs of people around the world, especially those who are poor. They strive to be a source of new life, new meaning and new hope. The sisters work in ten countries, advocating for justice, educating people of all ages, providing health care and social service to those most in need.
Shelter from the Storm Ministries Inc.
Project: Transitional Housing Program
Organization Mission: Our Mission is to Help homeless children by empowering their mothers to achieve self-sufficiency by providing a safe Christ-centered transitional home and an accountability-driven program that invests in families for a better future.
Social Services for the Arab Community
Project: Immigrants and Refugees Equal Advancement Program
Organization Mission: SSFAC’s mission is, “To Assist Arab Immigrant and Refugee Families to Flourish in Greater Toledo.”
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Cincinnati District Council
Project: Re-Entry Program
Organization Mission: St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati (SVDP) is a network of neighbors, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need. For more than 150 years, SVDP has helped neighbors in need make ends meet through direct assistance and compassionate care. Furthermore, SVDP also addresses root causes of poverty and supports vulnerable neighbors in moving upward by working for systemic change. Through core services such as Re-Entry Program, Working Better Together, Homelessness Prevention, Choice Food Pantry, and Charitable Pharmacy, SVDP fosters the human potential available to each person and fulfills the Christian responsibility to care for those in need.
Society of the Precious Blood – Roman Catholic Mission Vocational Training Centre Manyoni
Project: Responses to the Cry of the Blood by Empowering Young Mothers and Street Children
Organization Mission: Our Mission is to help the poor youths (Regardless of their ethnicity, races and religion backgrounds) to receive necessary educational skills which help them in their future life to response the cry of the blood.
Special Needs Support Center of the Upper Valley
Project: Enabled Upper Valley
Organization Mission: We are a group of individuals and families throughout the Upper Valley and beyond who proudly work together to create a community where people with special needs, across the spectrum and throughout the lifespan, can live their best lives.
Step Seven Ministries
Project: Sober Living Community Support
Organization Mission: Step Seven (S7) was founded in 2009 with a vision to “see men become Christ-centered, set free from their addictions, and transformed into leaders.” S7 is an accountability-based recovery program that provides 6 sober living homes in Douglas and Elbert Counties in Colorado. We also provide 9 community-focused recovery groups in Douglas County. Men residing in S7 homes participate in discipleship and leadership programs and attend a weekly recovery-focused worship service. Our goal is to expand our Christ-centered services statewide over the next 3 to 5 years, enabling more men to achieve sobriety and contribute to the community as valued employees, members of the faith community, and as community service volunteers.
Taste Project
Project: Expansion of Culinary Workforce Development Program to Arlington, Texas
Organization Mission: Founded in 2012, Taste Project is a nonprofit based in Fort Worth, Texas with a mission to feed, educate, and serve our community, so they may “…taste and see the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). They believe everyone should have access to healthy, quality meals made from fresh ingredients and their vision is to see their community design, lead, and implement solutions related to food insecurity. Taste Project lives its mission and vision through an innovative approach including a pay-what-you-can community restaurant, culinary workforce development program, urban garden, and addressing social determinants of health through the Improving Health Equity Among Low-Income Adults (iHEAL) collaborative.
United Rehabilitation Services
Project: Comprehensive Nursing Care for Children with Disabilities at United Rehabilitation Services Special Needs Childcare Program
Organization Mission: URS’ mission is Enhancing the Quality of Life for Children and Adults with Disabilities or other Special Needs. Our vision states that URS will be the Greater Dayton leader in providing specialized programs that enhance the quality of life for children and adults with disabilities or other special needs. Our services will promote independence, community inclusion and support for their families.
University of Dayton
Project: ECHO (Empowering Children with Hope and Opportunity) at St. Benedict the Moor Catholic School
Organization Mission: The University of Dayton is a top-tier Catholic research university committed, in the Marianist tradition, to educating the whole person; linking learning and scholarship with leadership and service. UD challenges all its members to be committed to a common search for truth; respect for the dignity of all people; and an appreciation that God is manifested sacramentally through creation and the ordinary things in life. We serve community through a broad range of initiatives. ECHO is a partnership between the UD Center for Catholic Education and local Catholic schools. Staffed by licensed mental health counselors & social workers, ECHO assists students, family, and educational staff with removing the non-academic barriers to learning.
Vicente Ferrer Foundation USA, Inc.
Project: Income Generation Program for Physically Disabled Individuals in Madakasira Region, AP, India
Organization Mission: The Vicente Ferrer Foundation USA (VFF USA) is a DC-based foundation devoted to empowering rural communities in the Southeast Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. We focus on improving the lives of India’s most marginalized groups to build a more just and equitable society. We place particular emphasis on assisting the most vulnerable populations–children, women, and people with disabilities–to ensure that development in rural areas leaves no one behind. Through our local implementing partner, the Rural Development Trust (RDT), we develop holistic, long-term solutions that empower communities, improve living conditions and promote lasting positive change.
We See You, Inc – San Diego
Project: Relationship-First Homelessness and Addiction Recovery Services
Organization Mission: To serve our neighbors experiencing homelessness in order to restore dignity and identity; to see people break free from addiction, homelessness & life on the streets. To provide a holistic and relationship-based approach to address needs, create a welcoming environment, and foster a sense of belonging and hope for those who are experiencing hardship. To model the unconditional & deep love of God through our words and actions – reflected in compassion, value of all people, lavish dinner parties, hearing people’s stories, and providing food and resources. To offer pathways off the street and life transformation through the power of Jesus – partnering with faith-based recovery programs & sponsoring a journey of sobriety.
Wedontwaste, Inc.
Project: Community Food Hub
Organization Mission: We Don’t Waste increases food access and protects the planet by rescuing and repurposing food, while educating and advocating to increase food security and decrease food waste.
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