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Application Process

The Letter of Inquiry is the first step in the process of requesting a grant from the CPPS Heritage Mission Fund. The Letter of Inquiry must be completed in its entirety. The requested information is critical in order that your organization can proceed in the process. When the Letter of Inquiry is received and reviewed the appropriate grant application will be sent.

Thank you for your interest in the CPPS Heritage Mission Fund grant. We have reached our maximum allowed Letters of Inquiry for 2024 Cycle Two and will not be accepting any more at this time. You may try again during 2025 Cycle One starting in January 2025.


Letter of Inquiry submissions will be limited to the first 100 Letters of Inquiry received that are correctly completed and have the proper documentation included. Only those submitting in the first 100 complete and correct Letters of Inquiry will be invited to submit a full application.

As of 2024 Cycle One, we have changed the start time that the LOI link will be live on our site starting at 12 pm (noon) ET / 9 am PT on the cycle opening day to help those in western time zones. The link will be live on this page starting at noon Eastern.

Cycle One:  Second week in January: Monday, January 6, 2025 starting at 12 pm (Noon) ET through Friday, January 10, 2025 by 11:59 pm ET or until the first 100 fully complete LOIs are processed.

Cycle Two:  Second week in July: Monday, July 7, 2025 starting at 12 pm (Noon) ET through Friday, July 11, 2025 by 11:59 pm ET or until the first 100 fully complete LOIs are processed.

We will no longer be contacting organizations whose Letter of Inquiry is incomplete or have incorrect documents submitted to get the correct information. The Letter of Inquiry must be submitted as complete with all correct documents included.

You must register as a New User per form even if you have registered in previous cycles. To increase security, we no longer store logins between grant cycles. You will do this for the “Letter of Inquiry” form, the application form and any report you may submit. You can register for each form using the same login information (i.e. names, email addresses and passwords) to keep consistency, but logins will be deleted after each grant cycle.

The link to the Letter of Inquiry form will be live on this page during the Letter of Inquiry acceptance dates or until 100 correct & complete LOIs are processed. Letters of Inquiry are processed in the order they are received.

NOTE: You must complete the Letter of Inquiry form fully for it to be submitted for consideration. You will receive an automatic reply if it was completed and submitted successfully.

You will need to gather the following for the Letter of Inquiry

  • Project/Program Title
  • Organization’s current budget (Just the total dollar amount, not the actual budget.)
  • Organization Mission or Purpose Statement
  • Purpose of Your Proposal Request
  • State guiding values of the CHM Fund that are best supported by this proposal
  • Project/Program budget (Just the total dollar amount, not the actual program/project budget. You will submit complete budget numbers for the project with the full application, not the LOI.)
  • Anticipated results of the project/program and number of individuals who will be served and how they will benefit
  • Your most recent FULL fiscal year Statement of Activity (also known as an Income Statement or Profit & Loss Statement) and Statement of Financial Position (also known as a Balance Sheet). If in foreign currency, they must be converted to US Dollars. Do not submit an entire audit report. We only need the two requested financial documents.
  • The organization’s IRS letter of documentation showing 501(c)(3) status. If you are a foreign non-profit organization, you will need the documentation from your country showing you are a non-profit organization registered with your country.
  • List of key staff members and organizational chart
  • If you are a foreign non-profit organization, you must also have a relationship with a 501(c)3 organization in the United States that is willing to accept and distribute the funds to you. We do not pay foreign organizations directly. A letter from that organization must accompany the Letter of Inquiry and it must include their tax ID#, a contact person at that organization as well as that contact’s email address.
  • If you received funding from the CHM Fund in the past, you need to make sure you submit a report as well. (See below.)

There are some questions with character (not word) limits as follows. These limits include spaces.:

Mission Statement: 750 characters
Purpose of Proposal Request: 500 characters
Guiding values of the CHM Fund that are best supported by this proposal: 200 characters
What are the anticipated results of this program / project? Indicate how many individuals will be served and the specific ways they will benefit as a result of this program / project: 300 characters


If your organization received a CHM Fund Grant in a previous cycle, you must submit a report along with or prior to your Letter of Inquiry before being considered for additional funds. You can find the report forms here:
Submit interim or final reports

Please add execsec@cppsheritagemissionfund.org to your address book and/or email whitelist so you receive correspondence. We are not responsible for lost or blocked emails.